Repetitive Strain Injuries As your workload at the office increases, so do repetitive actions, such as typing, using your computer mouse and talking on the phone. These routine tasks seem simple, but they can add a level of physical stress to the emotional and mental stress of getting the job done. In fact, repetitive strain […]
Lack of sleep is no joke and getting a good night’s rest is important. We spend about one- third of our lives sleeping, so getting the most out of it is important. Preventing stress or worries that keep you up at night may be difficult, but a few simple lifestyle and nutritional […]
Spring into Action!
Spring is a time of change. It not only looks and feels different but we do different things in Spring than we did in Winter. Many of our the activities we do now haven’t been done for months. Consequently, our bodies are no longer as well conditioned to do these things as they were last […]
Chiropractic Care, Exactly what you need!
Chiropractic Care. Is it really a reliable form of health care? Does it really work? There are many misconceptions out there about today’s chiropractors. Rumors and myths are never a good place to base our expectations. Factual information is better. Here is some information that may help you understand a little better about chiropractors ! How are they trained? Chiropractors are […]
Orthotics – A Way to Better Feet and Spinal Health!
There are so many names that orthotics are referred to as …..pelvic spinal stabilizers, arch supports, shoe inserts and insoles. So questions arise…are these all the same or different? Do they all have the same function? Why the cost difference? Orthotics can be divided into two major categories: generic and custom-made. A standard generic off-the-shelf […]